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- T.A. Beierlein
- B. Ruhstaller
- et al.
- 2003
- Synthetic Metals
- Beat Ruhstaller
- Tilman Beierlein
- et al.
- 2003
- IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics
- 2003
- Applied Physics Letters
- S.F. Alvarado
- L. Rossi
- et al.
- 2001
- Synthetic Metals
- B. Ruhstaller
- S.A. Carter
- et al.
- 2001
- Journal of Applied Physics
- 2001
- Journal of Applied Physics
- 2001
- Journal of Applied Physics
- 2001
- Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
- S.F. Alvarado
- W. Rieß
- et al.
- 2001
- Organic Electronics