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- 2006
- Journal of Applied Physics
- Michael C. Gaidis
- Eugene J. O'Sullivan
- et al.
- 2006
- IBM J. Res. Dev
- 2005
- Journal of Applied Physics
- Dietmar Gogl
- Christian Arndt
- et al.
- 2005
- IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits
- William Reohr
- Heinz Hönigschmid
- et al.
- 2002
- IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine
- J.Z. Sun
- J.C. Slonczewski
- et al.
- 2001
- Applied Physics Letters
- B.D. Schrag
- A. Anguelouch
- et al.
- 2000
- Applied Physics Letters
- B.D. Schrag
- A. Anguelouch
- et al.
- 2000
- Journal of Applied Physics
- A. Anguelouch
- B.D. Schrag
- et al.
- 2000
- Applied Physics Letters
- S. Ingvarsson
- G. Xiao
- et al.
- 1999
- Journal of Applied Physics