Understanding the Market-Level and Network-Level Behaviors of the Android Malware EcosystemChao YangJialong Zhanget al.2017ICDCS 2017
Hunting for invisibility: Characterizing and detecting malicious web infrastructures through server visibility analysisJialong ZhangXin Huet al.2016INFOCOM 2016
Reaching Data Confidentiality and Model Accountability on the CalTrainZhongshu GuHani Jamjoomet al.2019DSN 2019
Cross-Stack Threat Sensing for Cyber Security and ResilienceFrederico AraujoTeryl Tayloret al.2018DSN-W 2018
Protecting intellectual property of deep neural networks with watermarkingJialong ZhangZhongshu Guet al.2018ASIACCS 2018
Dressed up: Baiting attackers through endpoint service projectionMarc StoecklinFrederico Araujoet al.2018SDN-NFVSec 2018