Neurogenesis-inspired dictionary learning: Online model adaption in a changing worldSahil GargIrina Rishet al.2017IJCAI 2017
Stable estimation of Granger-causal factors of country-level innovationAurelie C. LozanoPrasanna Sattigeriet al.2016GlobalSIP 2016
Removing Clouds and Recovering Ground Observations in Satellite Image Sequences via Temporally Contiguous Robust Matrix CompletionJialei WangPeder Olsenet al.2016CVPR 2016
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Scalable matrix-valued kernel learning for high-dimensional nonlinear multivariate regression and granger causalityVikas SindhwaniHà Quang Minhet al.2013UAI 2013
Robust sparse estimation of multiresponse regression and inverse covariance matrix via the L2 distanceAurélie C. LozanoHuijing Jianget al.2013KDD 2013
A bayesian markov-switching model for sparse dynamic network estimationHuijing JiangAurélie C. Lozanoet al.2012SDM 2012
Proximity-based anomaly detection using sparse structure learningTsuyoshi IdéAurelie C. Lozanoet al.2009SDM 2009
Grouped graphical granger modeling methods for temporal causal modelingAurélie C. LozanoNaoki Abeet al.2009KDD 2009