On Fast Adversarial Robustness Adaptation in Model-Agnostic Meta-LearningRen WangKaidi Xuet al.2021ICLR 2021
Min-max optimization without gradients: Convergence and applications to black-box evasion and poisoning attacksSijia LiuSongtao Luet al.2020ICML 2020
ZO-AdaMM: Zeroth-order adaptive momentum method for black-box optimizationXiangyi ChenSijia Liuet al.2019NeurIPS 2019
Structured adversarial attack: Towards general implementation and better interpretabilityKaidi XuSijia Liuet al.2019ICLR 2019
Towards an efficient and general framework of robust training for graph neural networksKaidi XuSijia Liuet al.2020ICASSP 2020
On the design of black-box adversarial examples by leveraging gradient-free optimization and operator splitting methodPu ZhaoSijia Liuet al.2019ICCV 2019
Topology attack and defense for graph neural networks: An optimization perspectiveKaidi XuHongge Chenet al.2019IJCAI 2019
ADMM attack: An enhanced adversarial attack for deep neural networks with undetectable distortionsPu ZhaoKaidi Xuet al.2019ASP-DAC 2019