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18 results for
Yosi Ben Asher- Yosi Ben-Asher
- Eitan Farchi
- 2005
- International Game Theory Review
- Yosi Ben-Asher
- Eitan Farchi
- 2005
- International Game Theory Review
- 2004
- Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
- Yosi Ben-Asher
- Eitan Farchi
- et al.
- 1999
- SIAM Journal on Computing
- 1996
- Journal of Systems and Software
- Yosi Ben-Asher
- Eitan Farchi
- 1994
- Int. J. Parallel Program
- Y. Ben-Asher
- David Peleg
- et al.
- 1991
- Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing