QuerioCity: Accessing the information of a city (DEMO)Spyros KotoulasVanessa Lopezet al.2012AAAI 2012
Towards Automated Extraction of Business Constraints from Unstructured Regulatory TextRahul NairKillian Levacheret al.2018COLING 2018
Improving cross-domain information sharing for care coordination using semantic web technologiesSpyros KotoulasVanessa Lopezet al.2014IUI 2014
Open Innovation Portal: A collaborative platform for open city data sharingMartin StephensonGiusy Di Lorenzoet al.2012PerCom Workshops 2012
Coordinating social care and healthcare using semanticweb technologiesSpyros KotoulasVanessa Lopezet al.2013ISWC 2013
SPUD - Semantic processing of urban dataSpyros KotoulasVanessa Lopezet al.2014Journal of Web Semantics