TTSA: An Effective Scheduling Approach for Delay Bounded Tasks in Hybrid CloudsHaitao YuanJing Biet al.2017IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
Temporal Task Scheduling with Constrained Service Delay for Profit Maximization in Hybrid CloudsHaitao YuanJing Biet al.2017IEEE T-ASE
TRS: Temporal Request Scheduling with bounded delay assurance in a green cloud data centerJing BiHaitao Yuanet al.2016Information Sciences
CAWSAC: Cost-Aware Workload Scheduling and Admission Control for Distributed Cloud Data CentersHaitao YuanJing Biet al.2016IEEE T-ASE
Cost-aware request routing in multi-geography cloud data centres using software-defined networkingHaitao YuanJing Biet al.2015Enterprise Information Systems