An unsupervised collaborative approach to identifying home and work locationsRong LiuSwapna Buccapatnamet al.2016MDM 2016
Second Order-Based Real-Time Anomaly Detection for Application Maintenance ServicesFeng LiQicheng Liet al.2015ICSS 2015
A two-tier data-centric framework for flexible business process managementRong LiuFlorian Pinelet al.2012AMCIS 2012
Disentangling the value of information and analytics through componentized business architectureSusanne GlissmannJorge Sanzet al.2012HICSS 2012
Uniform modeling of resources and business processes using business entitiesRong LiuAnil Nigamet al.2011SCC 2011
Integrated modeling of performance monitoring with business artifactsRong LiuAnil Nigamet al.2010ICEBE 2010