Multi-Threading based parallel dynamic simulator for transient behavior analysis of power systemsJie WuPeter Feldmannet al.2015SmartGridComm 2015
Optimal selected phasor measurement units for identifying multiple line outages in smart gridJie WuJinjun Xionget al.2015ISGT 2015
Real time anomaly detection in wide area monitoring of smart gridsJie WuJinjun Xionget al.2014ICCAD 2014
Optimal PMU placement for identification of multiple power line outages in smart gridsJie WuJinjun Xionget al.2014MWSCAS 2014
Ambiguity group based location recognition for multiple power line outages in smart gridsJie WuJinjun Xionget al.2014ISGT 2014
Efficient Location Identification of Multiple Line Outages With Limited PMUs in Smart GridsJie WuJinjun Xionget al.2015IEEE Transactions on Power Systems