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10 results for
Justin Lessler- Barbara A. Jones
- Justin Lessler
- et al.
- 2015
- Justin Lessler
- James H. Kaufman
- et al.
- 2009
- Justin Lessler
- Stefan Edlund
- et al.
- 2004
- ICEIS 2004
- Scott Spangler
- Jeffrey T. Kreulen
- et al.
- 2003
- Stefan Edlund
- Matthew Davis
- et al.
- 2012
- Malaria Journal
- James Kaufman
- Justin Lessler
- et al.
- 2014
- PLoS Computational Biology
- Stefan Edlund
- James Kaufman
- et al.
- 2011
- Epidemics
- Stefan Edlund
- Michal Bromberg
- et al.
- 2011
- Electronic Journal of Health Informatics
- W.Scott Spangler
- J.T. Kreulen
- et al.
- 2002
- Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences