Resilient low voltage accelerators for high energy efficiencyNandhini ChandramoorthyKarthik Swaminathanet al.2019HPCA 2019
ChopStiX: Systematic Extraction of Code-Representative MicrobenchmarksCalvin BullaLluc Alvarezet al.2018IISWC 2018
Towards 'Smarter' Vehicles Through Cloud-Backed Swarm CognitionAugusto VegaAlper Buyuktosunogluet al.2018IV 2018
Impact of software approximations on the resiliency of a video summarization systemRadha VenkatagiriKarthik Swaminathanet al.2018DSN 2018
Invited paper: Resilient and energy-secure power managementPradip BoseAlper Buyuktosunoglu2017ISLPED 2017
Invited paper: Secure swarm intelligence: A new approach to many-core power managementAugusto VegaAlper Buyuktosunogluet al.2017ISLPED 2017
LibPRISM: An intelligent adaptation of prefetch and SMT levelsCristobal OrtegaMiquel Moretoet al.2017ICS 2017
BRAVO: Balanced Reliability-Aware Voltage OptimizationKarthik SwaminathanNandhini Chandramoorthyet al.2017HPCA 2017