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- Vasanth Bala
- Jehoshua Bruck
- et al.
- 1994
- Parallel Computing
- Don Coppersmith
- Peter Doyle
- et al.
- 1993
- Journal of the ACM (JACM)
- 1992
- Discrete Applied Mathematics
- Dror Zernik
- Marc Snir
- et al.
- 1992
- IEEE Software
- 1991
- Theoretical Computer Science
- 1991
- Journal of Algorithms
- Clyde P. Kruskal
- Larry Rudolph
- et al.
- 1990
- Algorithmica
- Clyde P. Kruskal
- Larry Rudolph
- et al.
- 1990
- Theoretical Computer Science
- Alok Aggarwal
- Ashok K. Chandra
- et al.
- 1990
- Theoretical Computer Science
- Clyde P. Kruskal
- Larry Rudolph
- et al.
- 1989
- Theoretical Computer Science