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Mining electronic medical records to explore the linkage between healthcare resource utilization and disease severity in diabetic patientsNoah LeeAndrew F. Laineet al.2011ICHI 2011
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Bayesian transduction and markov conditional mixtures for spatiotemporal interactive segmentationNoah LeeAndrew F. Laineet al.2009NER 2009
Interactive segmentation in multimodal medical imagery using a bayesian transductive learning approachNoah LeeJesus Cabanet al.2009SPIE Medical Imaging 2009
A framework for mining signatures from event sequences and its applications in healthcare dataFei WangNoah Leeet al.2013IEEE TPAMI
A partial intensity invariant feature descriptor for multimodal retinal image registrationJian ChenJie Tianet al.2010IEEE T-BME