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Don Coppersmith- Don Coppersmith
- Prabhakar Raghavan
- 1989
- Operations Research Letters
- Don Coppersmith
- Andrew M. Odlzyko
- et al.
- 1986
- Algorithmica
- D. Coppersmith
- M.M. Klawe
- et al.
- 1986
- SIAM Journal on Computing
- D. Coppersmith
- J.H. Davenport
- 1985
- Journal of Symbolic Computation
- 1985
- Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A
- Don Coppersmith
- Uzi Vishkin
- 1985
- Discrete Applied Mathematics
- Inder Gopal
- Don Coppersmith
- et al.
- 1982
- IEEE Transactions on Communications
- G. Bongiovanni
- D. Coppersmith
- et al.
- 1981
- IEEE Transactions on Communications
- 1975
- Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A
- 1974
- Advances in Mathematics