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- A.N. Broers
- E.G. Lean
- et al.
- 2003
- Applied Physics Letters
- E.G. Lean
- C.C. Tseng
- et al.
- 2003
- Applied Physics Letters
- 1981
- Applied Physics Letters
- 1980
- Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
- 1978
- IEEE Transactions on Communications
- Eric G. H. Lean
- James M. White
- et al.
- 1976
- Proceedings of the IEEE
- J.M. White
- P.F. Heidrich
- et al.
- 1974
- Electronics Letters
- Eric G.H. Lean
- Carl G. Powell
- 1970
- Proceedings of the IEEE
- I.C. Chang
- Eric G.H. Lean
- et al.
- 1970