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50 results for
John D. Gould- John D. Gould
- John Conti
- et al.
- 1983
- John D. Gould
- Amanda B. Dill
- 1969
- Perception & Psychophysics
- 1967
- Perception & Psychophysics
- J.D. Gould
- Nancy Grischkowsky
- 2016
- Human Factors
- J.D. Gould
- Nancy Grischkowsky
- 2016
- Human Factors
- J.D. Gould
- Lizette Alfaro
- et al.
- 2016
- Human Factors
- J.D. Gould
- Lizette Alfaro
- et al.
- 2016
- Human Factors
- J.D. Gould
- Stephen J. Boies
- et al.
- 2016
- Human Factors
- John D. Gould
- Amy Schaffer
- 2016
- Human Factors: The Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society