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32 results for
William A. Lester Jr.- William A. Lester Jr.
- Joachim Schaefer
- 2003
- The Journal of Chemical Physics
- Barbara J. Garrison
- Henry F. Schaefer III
- et al.
- 2003
- The Journal of Chemical Physics
- William A. Lester Jr.
- Joachim Schaefer
- 2003
- The Journal of Chemical Physics
- B.L. Hammond
- S.-Y. Huang
- et al.
- 2002
- Journal of Physical Chemistry
- C.E. Dateo
- V.Z. Kresin
- et al.
- 1987
- The Journal of Chemical Physics
- Peter J. Reynolds
- Michel Dupuis
- et al.
- 1984
- The Journal of Chemical Physics
- M. Dupuis
- W.A. Lester Jr.
- et al.
- 1983
- The Journal of Chemical Physics
- Andrew W. Raczkowski
- William A. Lester Jr.
- 1977
- Chemical Physics Letters
- Barbara J. Garrison
- William A. Lester Jr.
- 1976
- The Journal of Chemical Physics
- Albert C. Yates
- William A. Lester Jr.
- 1974
- Chemical Physics Letters