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11 results for
A.Z. Genack- A.Z. Genack
- D.A. Weitz
- et al.
- 1980
- Physical Review Letters
- Azriel Z. Genack
- Roger M. Macfarlane
- et al.
- 1976
- Physical Review Letters
- Richard G. Brewer
- Azriel Z. Genack
- 1976
- Physical Review Letters
- 1973
- Physical Review Letters
- S. Voelker
- R.M. Macfarlane
- et al.
- 2008
- The Journal of Chemical Physics
- R.M. Macfarlane
- A.Z. Genack
- et al.
- 1979
- Journal of Luminescence
- R.M. Macfarlane
- A.Z. Genack
- et al.
- 1978
- Physical Review B
- Azriel Z. Genack
- Richard G. Brewer
- 1978
- Physical Review A
- M.A. Washington
- A.Z. Genack
- et al.
- 1977
- Physical Review B