A sensor placement algorithm for redundant covering based on Riesz energy minimizationWah Wu ChaiDinesh Verma2008ISCAS 2008
Localization of effective pinning control in complex networks of dynamical systemsChai Wah Wu2008ISCAS 2008
Audio event classification using binary hierarchical classifiers with feature selection for healthcare applicationsYa-Ti PengChing-Yung Linet al.2008ISCAS 2008
Active compensation of supply noise for a 5-GHz VCO in 45-nm CMOS SOI technologyDevesh NemaThomas Toifl2008ISCAS 2008
Capacitive coupling based transient negative bit-line voltage (tran-NBL) scheme for improving write-ability of SRAM design in nanometer technologiesS. MukhopadhyayR.M. Raoet al.2008ISCAS 2008