Social Lens: Personalization Around User Defined Collections for Filtering Enterprise Message StreamsElizabeth M. DalyMichael Mulleret al.2011ICWSM 2011
An Assessment of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation on Task Performance in Crowdsourcing MarketsJakob RogstadiusVassilis Kostakoset al.2011ICWSM 2011
Unearthing People from the SaND: Relationship Discovery with Social Media in the EnterpriseAdam PererIdo Guyet al.2011ICWSM 2011
Just a Click Away: Social Search and Metadata in Predicting File DiscoveryN. Sadat ShamiMichael Mulleret al.2011ICWSM 2011
Task Specialization in Social Production Communities: The Case of Geographic Volunteer WorkMikhil MasliReid Priedhorskyet al.2011ICWSM 2011