PASE: Pro-active Service Embedding in The Mobile Edge
- Oleg Kolosov
- Gala Yadgar
- et al.
- 2024
- J Network Syst Manage
Bibliographic links
Short Biography
I received my B.Sc., M. Sc, and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1993, 1998 and 2003 respectively.
I joined IBM Haifa Research Lab (HRL) in the end of 2003, where currently I am team and project leader in the Cloud and Data Technologies group. My research agenda revolves around cost-effective provisioning of networked services with guaranteed performance levels. This main theme motivates my interests in performance analysis and modeling, resource scheduling, service management, autonomic computing and self-* systems, optimization algorithms, efficient distributed network and systems management, virtualization and cloud computing, fault tolerant and highly available distributed systems, distributed middleware, network protocols and architectures, operating systems, Cloud-based Factories of the Future (FoF), Virtual Supply Chains.
Since Jan 2011, I am serving as a senior adjunct faculty at the School of Computer Science at the Technion -- Israeli Institute of Technology.
Serverless Architectures
Functions-as-a-Service (FaaS) has created a lot of interest in the industry and academia recently. My interests in the serverless architecture focus on seamlessly extending IBM CloudFunctions to the edge, facilitating a plethora of new applications in the context of IoT. You can read some more about this activity here: Lean OpenWhisk Open Source FaaS for Edge Computing, Apache OpenWhisk meets Raspberry Pi.
Another aspect of serverless I am interested in is high performance via hardware accellerators:
Data Intensive Serverless Computing
I am part of the CloudButton project Serverless Data Analytics Platform. CloudButton will democratize big data by overly simplifying the overall life cycle and programming model thanks to serverless technologies. To demonstrate the impact of the project, we target two settings with large data volumes: bioinformatics (genomics, metabolomics) and geospatial data (LiDAR, satellite).
Serverless Computing in Media Intensive Applications
I am part of the 5G-MEDIA project where our team pioneers ntegration between ETSI MANO and serverless to leverage the advantages of the new computing paradigm for the session based workloads (tele-immersive gaming, mobile content contribution, and ultra-high definition content distribution use cases). In this project we came up with a concept of the 'serverless VIM'
As the project evolved, we extended the serverless approach to encompass higher layers of the management and orchestration stack:

Software Defined Manufacturing (SDM) -- past activity
Manufacturing becomes programmable end-to-end across the entire value chain: starting from sourcing of the suppliers of designs, parts, and raw materials; to electronically submitting orders that can be automatically processed on the manufacturer side; to assembly; and to reconfiguration of supply chain relationships on demand. Future manufacturing will be software defined, implying a rich ecosystem of services, systems, manufacturing machines, interconnected into a global manufacturing fabric analogous to how information services are interconnected today on the Internet. Collectively, these services will facilitate Software Defined Supply Chains, opening up a plethora of new business opportunities. My group focuses on developing a robust, cost efficient, secure, and extensible cloud based Manufacturing as a Service (MaaS) ICT platform for B2B collaborative manufacturing. We build upon recent advances in Factories of the Future and take them to the next level of performance, security, dependability, and cost-efficiency. We put an emphasis on integrating Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies that allow efficient and sustainable use of materials for building complex geometries, with the rest of the manufacturing ecosystem by means of IoT and Cloud. A video presentation at London Business Conferences.
Professional Activities
Co-Advised Students
Current EU H2020 Projects
In 5GZorro, I lead research and development of truly cloud-native intelligent slice and service management that uses Kubernetes as a universal control plane for complex multi-operator scenarios requiring dynamic establishment, management, and control of multi-cloud networks. My contributions span optimization of resource allocation for multi-cloud networks, fully distributed serverless K8s based workflows for decentralized management, and dynamic management of edge workloads.
Recent EU H2020 Projects
In 5G-MEDIA, I led an effort aiming at integrating open source “serverless” frameworks, such as OpenWhisk into the 5G-MEDIA platform while adapting and evolving them beyond the state of art to deal with challenging latency and throughput requirements of the media centric applications. The resulting impact will be twofold:
Significant Past EU Projects
I was a member of EU-funded RESERVOIR project, where I led research efforts on distributed resource allocation and performance management policies in the framework of a the next generation cloud computing infrastructure being developed by RESERVOIR.
I was a member of the EU-funded Fi-WARE project, where I led research efforts on capacity management for cost-efficient hosting of enterprise grade workloads in the Cloud.