Jae-wook Ahn


Research Staff Member
Jae-wook Ahn


Jae-wook Ahn is a Research Staff Member at the Department of Distributed Cognitive Systems, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY.  He works on serveral projects on distributed AI and edge computing, log comprehension, and distributed topic modeling.  Past projects are: acoustics AI, cognitive education specializing in personalized learning, knowledge induction, multi-modal conversational systems, recommendation, and visualization; AI supported creativity for recipe generation -- Chef Watson. He received his Ph.D. from University of Pittsburgh and worked as a postdoctoral NSF-CRA Computing Innovation Fellow at the Human-Computer Interaction Lab (HCIL), University of Maryland at College Park.

Jae-wook's research interests include intelligent user interfaces including distributed AI, visualization and interpretability of machine learning models, user modeling, personalization, text data mining, and recommender systems.

He has participated in several projects on user behavior visualization and recommendation, open user profile for news recommendation, adaptive visualization for recommender/information retrieval systems, adaptive visualization for educational resources, knowledge structure visualization, and network visualization.

Top collaborators

Pin-Yu Chen

Pin-Yu Chen

Principal Research Scientist; Chief Scientist, RPI-IBM AI Research Collaboration