Vini Kanvar


Research Scientist
Vini Kanvar


Professional Summary:

  • Industry-sponsored PhD in Computer Science (Program Analysis) from IIT Bombay. Overall work and research experience prior to joining IBM is 7 years.

  • Internationally recognized research output: presented in forums like Microsoft Research Lab, TCS Research Lab, ACM Grad Cohort at IIT Delhi, ACM Computing Surveys, Cadence Simulation Group, Synopsys Verification Group, International Symposium on Memory Management at Barcelona, and International Conference on Data Management.

  • Research interests and past areas of work include: data structures and algorithms, program analysis, performance optimizations, multithreading, speech synthesis, data mining, and machine learning.

  • PhD Research Project at IIT Bombay: Static Analysis of Dynamically Allocated Data. Conceptualized and built ABHA (Access Based Heap Analyzer) tool for analysis of industry software. Developed more precise yet scalable and efficient algorithms for better compile time garbage collection and solving memory leaks using the GCC.

  • Received TCS Research Scholarship for 4 years at IIT Bombay.




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