Atomic layer epitaxy of Si on Ge(100) using Si2Cl6 and atomic hydrogen
The surface composition is measured during atomic layer epitaxy (ALE) growth of Si on Ge(100) using Si2Cl6 and atomic hydrogen (Hat) at TS=400°C. During each Si2Cl 6 exposure, Si is adsorbed until Cl fully terminates the surface, making the Si deposition step self-limiting. The terminating Cl layer is removed by Hat exposure. At 400°C, H2 rapidly desorbs from Ge(100) and Si/Ge alloy surfaces, regenerating the surface dangling bonds for the next Si2Cl6 adsorption cycle. A thin alloy is grown epitaxially on the Ge(100) substrate, which displays a linear increase in Si content and a linear decrease in Ge content, measured over 1-20 Si ALE cycles.