
Capture and emission of electrons at 2.4-eV-deep trap level in SiO2 films


Capture, photoionization, and impact-ionization cross sections for a 2.4-eV-deep electron trapping center in the silicon-dioxide layer of a metal-oxide-semiconductor structure have been determined using the photoinjection-photodepopulation technique. The electric field dependence of both capture and impact-ionization cross sections have been determined for accelerating fields in the range 0.1-1.0 MV/cm. Capture cross sections are of order 10-14 cm2 and uv photoionization cross sections greater than 10-18 cm2. High-field impact-ionization rates are 1-10 cm-1 for filled trap densities of order 5 × 1013 cm-3. © 1975 The American Physical Society.
