Electromigration behavior of multilayered Al/Hf and Al/Ti fine lines and its dependence on Cu and Pd solute additions
Electromigration behavior and the kinetics of intermetallic formation in fine lines of Al/Hf/Al, Al/Ti/Al and Ti/Al/Ti as a function of Cu and Pd solute additions have been measured. In Hf/Al films, a second higher temperature eutectic reaction occurred, characterized by a resistance decrease and associated HfAl3 redistribution. In Ti/Al films a second intermetallic phase (Ti9Al23) formed, dependent on both the deposition technique and annealing temperature. The reliability implications of: (1) the high temperature eutectic reaction in Hf/Al films, and (2) Ti9Al23 phase formation in Ti/Al films were considered. © 1992.