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- H.H. Rotermund
- G. Haas
- et al.
- 1995
- Science
- B. Woratschek
- G. Ertl
- et al.
- 1986
- Physical Review Letters
- 1986
- Physical Review Letters
- 2008
- The Journal of Chemical Physics
- R.J. Behm
- K. Christmann
- et al.
- 2008
- The Journal of Chemical Physics
- T. Hertel
- E. Knoesel
- et al.
- 1997
- Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films
- H.H. Rotermund
- G. Haas
- et al.
- 1995
- Applied Physics A Materials Science & Processing
- B. Woratschek
- W. Sesselmann
- et al.
- 1986
- The Journal of Chemical Physics
- 1986
- The Journal of Chemical Physics