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- F.M. d'Heurle
- P. Gas
- et al.
- 1994
- MRS Spring Meeting 1994
- 2011
- Journal of Materials Research
- C. Perrin
- D. Mangelinck
- et al.
- 2008
- Materials Science and Engineering: B
- 2004
- Applied Physics Letters
- François M. D'Heurle
- Patrick Gas
- et al.
- 2004
- Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde/Materials Research and Advanced Techniques
- F.M. D’Heurle
- S.-L. Zhang
- et al.
- 2001
- Journal of Applied Physics
- F.M. D'Heurle
- P. Gas
- et al.
- 2001
- Defect and Diffusion Forum
- F.M. D'Heurle
- P. Gas
- et al.
- 1997
- Defect and Diffusion Forum
- 1995
- Journal of Materials Research