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12 results for
J.F. Smyth- David D. Awschalom
- Joseph F. Smyth
- et al.
- 1993
- Physical Review Letters
- David D. Awschalom
- David P. DiVincenzo
- et al.
- 1992
- Science
- D.D. Awschalom
- J.F. Smyth
- et al.
- 1992
- Physical Review Letters
- Samuel W. Yuan
- E. Lee
- et al.
- 2002
- IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
- Daniel Loss
- David P. DiVincenzo
- et al.
- 1993
- Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter
- M.R. Freeman
- M.J. Brady
- et al.
- 1992
- Applied Physics Letters
- Joseph F. Smyth
- Joseph F. Smyth
- et al.
- 1992
- IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
- D.R. Fredkin
- T.R. Koehler
- et al.
- 1991
- Journal of Applied Physics