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- Tsann Lin
- Daniele Mauri
- et al.
- 2002
- Tsann Lin
- Daniele Mauri
- et al.
- 2002
- Tsann Lin
- Daniele Mauri
- et al.
- 2004
- Applied Physics Letters
- Tsann Lin
- Daniele Mauri
- et al.
- 2003
- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
- Michael F. Toney
- Mahesh G. Samant
- et al.
- 2002
- Applied Physics Letters
- 2001
- Journal of Applied Physics
- 2001
- Applied Physics Letters
- Michael Madison
- Thomas Arnoldussen
- et al.
- 2000
- Journal of Applied Physics
- C. Tsang
- M. Pinarbasi
- et al.
- 1999
- IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
- J.C.S. Kools
- W. Kula
- et al.
- 1999
- Journal of Applied Physics