A 16-Gb/s backplane transceiver with 12-tap current integrating DFE and dynamic adaptation of voltage offset and timing driftsin 45-nm SOI CMOS technologyGautam R. GangasaniChun-Ming Hsuet al.2012IEEE JSSC
A 28.05Gb/s transceiver using quarter-rate triple-speculation hybrid-DFE receiver with calibrated sampling phases in 32nm CMOSGautam GangasaniJohn F. Bulzacchelliet al.2017VLSI Circuits 2017
A 16-Gb/s backplane transceiver with 12-tap current integrating DFE and dynamic adaptation of voltage offset and timing drifts in 45-nm SOI CMOS technologyGautam R. GangasaniChun-Ming Hsuet al.2011CICC 2011