Improving Efficiency in Large-Scale Decentralized Distributed TrainingWei ZhangXiaodong Cuiet al.2020ICASSP 2020
Asymmetric resilience: Exploiting task-level idempotency for transient error recovery in accelerator-based systemsJingwen LengAlper Buyuktosunogluet al.2020HPCA 2020
A highly efficient distributed deep learning system for automatic speech recognitionWei ZhangXiaodong Cuiet al.2019INTERSPEECH 2019
Resilient low voltage accelerators for high energy efficiencyNandhini ChandramoorthyKarthik Swaminathanet al.2019HPCA 2019
ChopStiX: Systematic Extraction of Code-Representative MicrobenchmarksCalvin BullaLluc Alvarezet al.2018IISWC 2018
Towards 'Smarter' Vehicles Through Cloud-Backed Swarm CognitionAugusto VegaAlper Buyuktosunogluet al.2018IV 2018
Impact of software approximations on the resiliency of a video summarization systemRadha VenkatagiriKarthik Swaminathanet al.2018DSN 2018