Early detection of heart failure with varying prediction windows by structured and unstructured data in electronic health recordsYajuan WangKenney Nget al.2015EMBC 2015
Towards heterogeneous temporal clinical event pattern discovery: A convolutional approachFei WangNoah Leeet al.2012KDD 2012
SOR: Scalable orthogonal regression for non-redundant feature selection and its healthcare applicationsDijun LuoFei Wanget al.2012SDM 2012
Mining electronic medical records to explore the linkage between healthcare resource utilization and disease severity in diabetic patientsNoah LeeAndrew F. Laineet al.2011ICHI 2011
Toward personalized care management of patients at risk- The diabetes case studyHani NeuvirthMichal Ozery-Flatoet al.2011KDD 2011
Integrating distance metrics learned from multiple experts and its application in patient similarity assessmentFei WangJimeng Sunet al.2011SDM 2011
A system for mining temporal physiological data streams for advanced prognostic decision supportJimeng SunDaby Sowet al.2010ICDM 2010