Towards high performance LVCSR in speech-to-speech translation system on smart phonesJian XueXiaodong Cuiet al.2011INTERSPEECH 2011
Acoustic modeling with bootstrap and restructuring based on full covarianceXiaodong CuiXin Chenet al.2011INTERSPEECH 2011
Clustering of bootstrapped acoustic model with full covarianceXin ChenXiaodong Cuiet al.2011ICASSP 2011
Acoustic modeling with bootstrap and restructuring for low-resourced languagesXiaodong CuiJian Xueet al.2010INTERSPEECH 2010
Improving online incremental speaker adaptation with eigen feature space MLLRXiaodong CuiJian Xueet al.2009ASRU 2009
A study of bootstrapping with multiple acoustic features for improved automatic speech recognitionXiaodong CuiJian Xueet al.2009INTERSPEECH 2009
High-performance low-latency speech recognition via multi-layered feature streaming and fast Gaussian computationLiang GuJian Xueet al.2008INTERSPEECH 2008
The IBM speech-to-speech translation system for smartphone: Improvements for resource-constrained tasksBowen ZhouXiaodong Cuiet al.2013Computer Speech and Language
Hidden markov acoustic modeling with bootstrap and restructuring for low-resourced languagesXiaodong CuiJian Xueet al.2012IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing
Random forests of phonetic decision trees for acoustic modeling in conversational speech recognitionJian XueYunxin Zhao2008IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing