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- 1973
- IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory
- 1970
- IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory
- 1968
- IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory
- 1989
- Proceedings of SPIE 1989
- C.K. Chow
- Sherman S.M. Wang
- et al.
- 1979
- IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas.
- C.K. Chow
- S.S.M. Wang
- et al.
- 1979
- Computers and Biomedical Research
- C.K. Chow
- S.K. Hilal
- et al.
- 1973
- IBM J. Res. Dev
- 1973
- Computers in Biology and Medicine
- 1972
- Computers and Biomedical Research