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11 results for
David D. Grossman- David D. Grossman
- Harvey F. Silverman
- 1973
- Journal of the ACM
- Peter M. Will
- David D. Grossman
- 1975
- Lee R. Nackman
- M.A. Lavin
- et al.
- 1985
- Fall Joint Computer Conference 1985
- Phillip D. Summers
- David D. Grossman
- 2016
- The International Journal of Robotics Research
- 1988
- IEEE Journal on Robotics and Automation
- 1985
- Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing
- David D. Grossman
- Roger C. Evans
- et al.
- 1985
- Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing
- Russell H. Taylor
- David D. Grossman
- 1983
- Proceedings of the IEEE
- David D. Grossman
- Russell H. Taylor
- 1978
- IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics