Combined Experimental and Modeling Study of Spatial Effects in Plasma Etching: CF4/O2 Etching of SiliconM. DalvieK.F. Jensen2019JES
Optimization of Electrodeposit Uniformity by the Use of Auxiliary ElectrodesS. MehdizadehJ. Dukovicet al.2019JES
Determination of partial currents for cuni and cuco electrodeposition using rotating ring-disk electrodesJean HorkansI-Chia Hsu Changet al.2019JES
In Situ X-Ray Absorption Study of Chromium Valency Changes in Passive Oxides on Sputtered ALCr Thin Films Under Electrochemical ControlA.J. DavenportH.S. Isaacset al.2019JES
Production and Characterization of Extremely Corrosion Resistant Chromium-Metalloid AlloysR.M. LatanisionR.R. Ruf2019JES