Activation energies for diffusion and for the Zener relaxation in dilute solid solutionsD.P SeraphimA.S Nowicket al.1964Acta Metallurgica
Elektronenmikroskopische Beobachtungen von Versetzungen in GermaniumH. AlexanderS. Mader1962Acta Metallurgica
Magnitude of the Zener relaxation effect-II. Temperature dependence of the relaxation strength in α Ag-ZnC.Y LiA.S Nowick1961Acta Metallurgica
Magnitude of the zener relaxation effect-IV anisotropy of the relaxation strength in Al-4% CuB.S Berry1961Acta Metallurgica
Magnitude of the zener relaxation effect-I survey of alloy systemsA.S NowickD.P Seraphim1961Acta Metallurgica
Quantum effects in diffusion: Internal friction due to hydrogen and deuterium dissolved in α-ironW.R Heller1961Acta Metallurgica
Magnetic analysis of the precipitation of iron from beta brassA.E BerkowitzP.J Flanders1960Acta Metallurgica