
3-D LER and RDF Matching Performance of Nanowire FETs in Inversion, Accumulation, and Junctionless Modes


Nanowire field-effect transistors (NWFETs) have emerged as promising candidates for realization of advanced CMOS technology nodes. Due to small nanowire dimensions, NWFETs are vulnerable to the impact of process-induced random local variations, such as the line edge roughness (LER) and random dopant fluctuation (RDF). NWFETs have three different device modes, namely, the inversion mode (IM), the accumulation mode (AM), and the junctionless (JL) mode. In this paper, a 3-D quasi-Atomistic LER model is used for the analysis of LER-induced mismatch in JL, IM, and AM NWFETs. We have also compared the impact of 3-D LER with that of 2-D LER. In addition, another emerging simulation methodology known as statistical impedance field method is utilized to analyze the impact of RDF on the three flavors of NWFETs. We show that JL NWFETs have much higher mismatch due to both LER and RDF than their IM and AM NWFET counterparts with otherwise identical device structure.
