
High‐resolution force microscopy of in‐plane magnetization


We have shown for the first time, in previous studies, that the force microscope fitted with a magnetic tip could be used to image magnetic domains in TbFe thin films. In this report we show that the information provided by the magnetic force microscope can also include a measurement of the component of magnetization in the sample which is parallel to the surface. Measurements were taken with a magnetized tip tilted at 45° with respect to the surface normal. In a first experiment, we imaged 1 μm diameter domains thermomagnetically written in a TbFe thin film. In a second measurement, we imaged a series of alternating domains in a thin film Co‐alloy disc which was decorated with small magnetized particles, allowing unambiguous identification of the domain boundaries. In both cases we interpret the asymmetric portion of the images to the in‐plane component of the sample magnetization. 1988 Blackwell Science Ltd
