Cezar Zota


Staff Research Scientist, Master inventor
Cezar Zota


Dr. Cezar B. Zota joined IBM Research – Zurich in 2017. His research interests include

  • Cryogenic electronics
  • Quantum computing technologies
  • 3D integration technology
  • Novel devices based on III-V as well as Weyl materials
  • Design, fabrication and analysis of RF-transistors

He holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Department of Electrical and Information Technology, and an MSc summa cum laude in Engineering Nanoscience from the Faculty of Engineering, Lund University, Sweden. He performed his Master’s research at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Tokyo University, Japan. In addition, he holds MA and BA degrees summa cum laude in Theoretical Philosophy from Lund University, Sweden. He holds an Ambizione career grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation since 2021.




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