The study of the Cu/Al/Au thin film system by electron microscopyP.J. BaileyP.B. Madakson1991Scanning
Combined charge collection and cathodoluminescence (EBIC/CL) characterization of defectsA. Jakubowicz1991Scanning
A wet‐cell for soft x‐ray imaging of hydrated biological specimensB.J. PanessaG. Colemannet al.2011Scanning
Secondary electron detection systems for quantitative voltage measurementsE. MenzelE. Kubalek2011Scanning
Studies of contamination build up in the SEM using the bse imaging techniqueO.C. WellsC.F. Aliotta2011Scanning
Enhancement of type‐2 magnetic contrast in the bse image in the SEM by a lock‐in techniqueO.C. WellsR.J. Savoy2011Scanning