Conference paper

Challenges and opportunities of extremely thin SOI (ETSOI) CMOS technology for future low power and general purpose system-on-chip applications


Extremely thin SOI (ETSOI) MOSFET is a viable option for future CMOS scaling owing to superior short-channel control and immunity to random dopant fluctuation. However, challenges of ETSOI integration have so far hindered its adoption for mainstream CMOS. This is especially true for low-power applications, where SOI wafer cost is deemed to significantly add to the total cost. We have recently reported a novel integration scheme to overcome some of the major ETSOI manufacturing issues such as difficulty in doping thin silicon layer, process induced silicon loss, and the dilemma of reduction of external resistance and the increase of parasitic capacitance [1, 2]. The proposed integration flow significantly simplifies device processing and leads to considerable reduction in the number of critical masks [2]. © 2010 IEEE.
